Canvas Pop - A Review... and a contest!

Start with what you know.


What do I know?

I know that as a photographer, I work with professional printing partners to not only fulfill client orders, but for samples, and other prints and canvases that we give to other vendors for display. I also know that wading through all the different companies and options online is tedious, and daunting, which is why we were pleasantly surprised when Canvas Pop contacted us! They were super generous and offered to show us what they could do as pictured below. 

Canvas pop


As someone who doesn't particularly enjoy the process of framing prints, I was super impressed with not just the quality of the print, but in the framing as well. It was really nice to get everything already put together for me (yay!). What really impressed me? That's right, the rubber coated wire and crimping used to hang. As silly as that sounds it's a pretty big deal in my world. Not only does it protect the babiest of baby hands from getting burtally mutilated by other non-coated wire, but it also lets you soar onward and upward past the pit of hell otherwise know as saw-tooth hangers or even worse, the double hangers sentencing the owner of said print to the seventh circle of Dante's Inferno. Double hangers were mentioned right after the windmill...remember?  

I also loved the clean design, and the great customer experience we've had working with them so far. Our print shipped quickly and came packaged as tight as Fort Knox to insure nothing happened to our precious first edition.

What I don't know.

Who will win our contest. That's right. A contest. 

To enter, use the block below. There are several ways to get an entry (or two...or three...). Just follow the instructions and get on to sweepin! 

Oh and even if you don't win, can't wait, or are just looking for a friggin' good deal, we've got something else for you.

Use the code JOSHUAAARON35 for 35% off an order now thru January 30th.

Thanks again to our friends at CanvasPop!