lake wedding
DALLAS + RYAN - wedding at Pine Island : Columbia Wedding Photography
Great people, great place, great day. Dallas and Ryan's wedding day was not only beautiful but so much fun. It fit them perfectly. We loved working with them plus their bridal party on the day. Everyone had a laid back fun feeling for the day which made everything even better than it already was. We loved having Lake Murray as the backdrop for the photos and wedding. With Dallas laughing down the isle with her dad, to the night time escapade of digging up the buried bourbon (without a shovel mind you) the day was happy, and we wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Love to some great people who all had a hand in this great day!
Pine Island
SHANEY + DAVID - wedding at Pine Island : Columbia, SC
What do you do with a bridal party of 22? You make them stand in a line and hold hands :) Shaney and David had their beautiful wedding on Pine Island hers in Columbia, SC. Situated overlooking the lake their ceremony was not only beautiful, but fun, crazy, personal, and heartfelt. There were so many emotional levels to this day it was like the best emotional roller coaster (you know. The one you WANT to ride). From the groomsmen coming in with flare and a minister taking a selfie with the entire audience, so Shaney and David quietly exchanging personal vows during the ceremony. Here are some of our favorite moments from their day. We hope you enjoy.